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Eco-friendly insecticide functional material for gardening

  • Good-bye, No-Virus
  • Volume : 500㎖/450L


  1. Combines various polymer functional extracts and natural minerals to stabilize the virus immune system dramatically to help healthy growth.
  2. It helps the plant to grow well since it contains various microelements.
  3. It helps not only the growth of various crops but also the damage and recovery.
  4. It is a harmless natural extract, safe and safe.
  5. It also helps release physiological stress and improves the quality of crops and increase yields.

Efficacy and How to use

Reduced virus damage
Crop Dilution times Application Usage/20L
Fruits, leafy vegetables, fruit-vegetables, flowers, bulbs and tubers 800~1,000 times 5~7days interval/2times 20~25㎖