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Eco-friendly organic materials registration item

  • Chitopia Gold
  • Registration No. Posted-3-2-031 1
  • Volume : 100㎖/90L, 500㎖/450L, 4L/1,322㎡


  1. It helps to absorb crops by using chitosan of high quality and proper molecular weight.
  2. Plant growth-activating action shortens the harvest time and helps in yield.
  3. With the rapid absorption of mineral calcium-containing 50 kinds of minerals and vitamins, 60 kinds of amino acids and physiologically active substances it activates metabolism such as relief of various physiological stress and calcium healing.
  4. It increases to double disease resistance by strengthening plant self-immunity.
  5. Through activation of soil microorganisms, it brings quick soil improvement effects and activates the dissolution of accumulated EC and residual agrichemicals.

Efficacy and How to use

Supply high concentration chitosan
Crop Application Usage
Tomato, chilli pepper, lettuce, chinese cabbage, pea Foliar application of fertilizer after planting 500 times
※ Spray at intervals of 7 to 10 days, if used in combination with pesticides, diluted more than 1,000 times